Friday 22 February 2008

Weekend in sight

Mmm, I have blinked and the week seems to have gone.
Half Term here has meant a lot of people are on holiday so it's been a little bit quieter than normal. Weather is warmer than it was but it's very windy today and I wonder if the side of the library is about to fall off every now and then. It certainly sounds rather like Wuthering Heights in here. The cloud has cleared a little though and this always helps to make it feel a bit more spring like here on the north east coast. Glad I am not on the ferry going out of North Shields today... the sea looks very rough!

Yesterday was more exciting though. We got the chance to attend the filming of the BBC's Question Time programme which had been planned to take place on March 6th around about the time we would be arriving in East London. The programme was switched at the last minute because of the hot topic of the Northern Rock Bank Nationalisation which has been taking place this week. We rang up yesterday to see if there were any spaces left and managed to get a couple of seats. I haven't seen a television programme put together like this before and it was fascinating. The programme runs for an hour and is shot in one take, with a panel of politicians and experts taking questions from the Audience. The whole process was very slick indeed and it was fun to see ourselves on the front row when the programme went out late last night.

Only another week to go before we prepare for our trip to the Cape. Have been reading up some of the background to the area and its history. We have also had the details of the visit by Premier Balindlela to our Region starting next week and I am looking forward to being part of that. We will be meeting the party at Gateshead Central Library on March 1st to talk about our library development here in the North East over the past few years.

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