Tuesday 12 February 2008

Exciting day

Just another day in the life really but it ended up exciting! This morning in South Tyneside was very sunny but very cold. It's still midwinter here so a fine day means a cold one - mind you it hasn't been like that all over the UK today. Temperatures in Wales apparently have been up to an unseasonal 18 degrees C.

The work day was not particularly special - a Principal Officers Senior Team meeting to start the day with a discussion on workforce development. The main issues we identified were the challenges now in recruiting young people to work in our Local Government and the "generalisation" of jobs which has meant a lack of people trained in specialist work.

The afternoon was spent dealing with staffing issues, planning for next year's budgets and their implications. Sent some details to the Council's web team for a page to advertise and promote the National Year of Reading in our Borough. Spoke to our colleague at the Museums Libraries and Archives Council in Newcastle to discuss a proposal for a Regional Coordinator to look at the Year of Reading across our twelve library authorities. Late afternoon the day got much more exciting with the news that our tickets for South Africa are booked and we are all set to board the plane on March 6th. Now planning our visit to watch Elephant at the Theatre Royal in Newcastle on March 1st.

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