Monday 18 February 2008

Monday and Tuesday have slipped away

It's late on Tuesday afternoon and it's been another lovely day here - this has meant a very sharp frost though and like yesterday it was -2.5 this morning on the way to work. The mad thing is that by about 2.30pm the sun has reached my windows (there are a lot of them) and it's up to about 30degrees in here. Hence the need for the not very effective air conditioners. It's quiet this week both at work and on the roads coming in. Half term has come at the local schools so it's busy in town as a consequence but the rush hour isn't as bad as normal.

Yesterday was spent in my office dealing with bits and pieces rather than anything major. That's what takes the time up really. Our branch Library at Whitburn reopened as well and today it has been the "Official Opening" of the new South Tyneside Homes Office which has been added to the side of the library. South Tyneside's Mayor did the honours and cut the ribbon. The library looks a lot more spacious and we are all pleased with the results of our efforts. We would have liked to have undertaken a complete refurbishment but unfortunately our budget wouldn't run to that. The work has allowed us to fit a few more computers into a fairly small space and I know that this will be popular. The Children's Library also looks much nicer with its new shelves, seats and book boxes. We get very good support for our children's and adults events here and the new meeting room which has come as a part of the new extension will be very useful for us.
Only two weeks to go now till we board the plane and I am haunting the pages of Flickr to find pictures of the Eastern Cape so that I know what it looks like. Reading the newspaper each day seems to suggest a lot of rain at the moment. Here's hoping for some sunny weather when we get there. We get enough rain here!

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